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Cherubs race on Coronation Day

This report and photos are from Matt Lis at the Woodbridge Boatyard.
Join the Deben Yacht Club for racing traditional boats again on 18 June, 2023.

We had a fantastic day of racing yesterday with the Deben Cherubs to mark the coronation and to open the 2023 classics racing season. A little drizzle did nothing to dampen spirits and a fairly steady 10 knots of breeze made for close racing.

Four Cherubs were racing, CC2 ‘Cherub’, CC6 ‘Lindy Lou’, CC14 ‘Jubilee’ (sailing under CC17) and CC18 ‘Lynette’. Unfortunately ‘Lindy Lou’ had some pre-race rigging issues forcing her to retire before she even got going but with a tow-assist she was able to re-join the fleet later in the race to still enjoy some sailing. The other three pocket cruisers enjoyed very close racing with a beat against the tide to a turning mark near Methersgate Quay followed by a quick run home. All three changed positions reguarly and the race could have been anybody’s. ‘Jubilee’ was first to the windward mark and it looked like the race was done but with a slight mistake from ‘Jubilee’ the race re-opened and ‘Cherub’ managed to edge past. The race was won by only 7 seconds and ‘Lynette’ was only just behind the first two.

Some excellent racing was followed by a BBQ (with a TV showing the coronation procession) back at the yard joined by some of the Deben Yacht Club’s more modern dinghy fleet racers. The next race will be on the 18th of June to coincide with the Woodbridge Regatta. All classics and traditionally rigged boats welcome to race, not just Cherubs!

Matt Lis, Woodbridge Boatyard, 7 May, 2023