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East Coast Race, 2019: report

The East Coast OGA Race held at Stone Sailing Club on Saturday 27 July, 2019 was well supported by East Coast members and some from the Dutch OGA. Last year the weather was benign with very light airs causing the shortening of the course. This year Wndfinder forecast rain and more rain with increasing WSW winds. This materialised and the wind rose to F6 with some nasty gusts just as the fleet were doing shuttles between Colne Point and Colne Bar.  

After this, a dead beat back up the River Blackwater to the finish really sorted out the skilled sailors from the rest. The three different fleets, traditional gaffers, Bermudans and working boats which started at 15 minute intervals closed up towards the finish with the leading Smack overtaking many of the traditional gaffers. In the evening, the SSC local stars The Old School Syndicate played for the Gaffers with a good number of SSC Members helping to dispose of the good supplies of real ale.

Once again Stone Sailing Club pulled out all the stops to welcome the OGA fleet with non stop ferry services to shore, continuous real ale and good food. All this really helped to make up for the rainy/windy weather – not normal July fare!

Visit Sandy Miller’s photo gallery from the event.

Report: Richard Giles