In this post, we hear from Sharon, sailing with Simon on ‘Cygnet of London’.
Following the Round Britain Challenge ‘Cygnet’, Simon and I joined the OGA60 Celebrations on the River Orwell and the Summer Cruise. It was so lovely to see everyone again and to hear about everyone’s adventures over the last year, but at the same time tinged with sadness that the adventure for this year was coming to an end.
The highlights for me included the Stone Point barbecue on the beach which is always so magical a scene, with such a beautiful collection of wooden boats at anchor at sunset. Heading south to West Mersea before making passage back to Kent was an exciting sail and whilst not the most gentle of sailing at times it was an opportunity to really push ‘Cygnet’ to show what she is really capable of. And we were not disappointed!
From my very first experience on the East Coast OGA summer cruise back in 2012 I have always reflected on the fact that the event brings together some beautiful boats and an amazing group of people who look out for and support each other. Each year it just gets better and I feel so lucky to be a part of it.
Sharon Lee