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Looking back to OGA50: Grimsby, 2013

Looking back to the OGA50 anniversary in 2013, your Editor found a piece of video compiled by Pete Warrington which he’s happy for us to share. There’s an interesting interview with some of the skippers who have just arrived for the welcome party. They reflect on why they’ve taken part in this adventure and what membership of the OGA means to them.

Many members of the OGA50 Round Britain Challenge fleet gathered in Grimsby, July 2013, enjoying some rare sunshine in their circumnavigation as guests of the Grimsby and Cleethorpes Yacht Club. Several local boats joined the fleet as they enjoyed the sunshine, musical entertainment and a barbecue. East Coast skipper, Mike Beckett, ‘Bonita’ is interviewed with Dave Waters from the Solent, ‘Syene’ and Edgar Wagemakers from the Netherlands, ‘Windbreker’.

‘Bonita’ reported the greatest challenge of the day to be entering the lock at Grimsby. A member of the crew averted disaster when the bowsprit almost got caught in the lock gate due to an unpredictable eddy. Long-standing East Coast Area member and OGA President, Mike Beckett intends to do the OGA60 Round Britain Cruise, setting off from Ramsgate in April, 2023.

Dave Waters reported that as the shallow waters of the English east coast began, she arrived safely into Grimsby after a somewhat frustrating ride down from Whitby: “a big spring tide, a three quarter sea and a shifty wind from the stern, the overfalls at Flamborough Head are exciting. Negotiating the crossing of the Humber we had a fast and cracking close hauled sail up to Grimsby, in time for a pint in the yacht club and a long sleep. Anchored just off the Cromer lifeboat station in 6.5 metres with a strong easterly flood tide and a gentle rolling swell. The sounds of the shore drift across through the fog. Anchor alarms set. I’m off to my bunk. Up at 05:00 for the next sail to Lowestoft.”

Associated British Ports (ABP), the UK’s largest ports group, handles 25% of all seaborne trade in and out of Britain and Grimsby is one of their busiest ports, others on the Humber being Hull, Goole and Immingham. The OGA was most grateful for ABP’s generous sponsorship in 2013.