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East Coast boats getting ready for OGA60 Round Britain Challenge

Our featured boats for the next few months will be East Coast participants in the OGA60 Round Britain Cruise. Six boats are registered to set sail from Ramsgate on Monday 1 May, 2023. They represent all types of ‘gaffer’ ranging in age from ‘Bonita’, built 1888 and celebrating her 135th anniversary to ‘Lahloo’, barely a teenager, built in 2012. Their rigs are all gaff: two yawls, a ketch and three cutters with construction being wood, ferro and GRP.

We’ll be ‘following the fleet’ and finding out what happens at the Party Ports before they all return for the Diamond Jubilee Party back on the East Coast in August!

Visit ‘Sailing by’ for regular updates and a look back to 2013.

‘Bonita’, built 1888, 35’ gaff yawl, home port Harty Ferry 
‘Lahloo’, built 2012, 26’ gaff cutter, home port West Mersea
‘Mutual Friend’, built 1983, gaff cutter, home port West Mersea
‘Cygnet of London’, built 1906, 40’ gaff yawl, home port Fambridge
‘Onward of Ito’, built 1923, gaff cutter, home port Greenwich
‘Barbarossa’, built 1976, 49’ gaff ketch, home port Benfleet